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Fill a school with music and it becomes better
Fill an education with music and it becomes better
Fill a community with music and it becomes better
If you want to make something better, put music right at the heart of it
Vaughan Fleischfresser


Music plays an important role in helping our children to develop self expression, creativity and confidence.  At St Bert’s, we provide a wide range of opportunities for all children to nurture a love of music and develop as musicians.  Through assemblies, concerts, class and key stage performances, children are able to express their emotions and experience the excitement and prestige of sharing their musical talents with an audience.  We recognise that an early start in music often gives children a life-long love of this subject and the seeds we sow, will continue to flourish and enrich their lives.  We believe music helps children to work harmoniously with others, gives them a strong sense of self and supports overall well being.


I was in a performance – I discovered I had a voice and was valued and part of something bigger
I was in a performance – I discovered the importance of discipline, focus and selflessness
I was in a performance – I discovered that hard work and effort pays off
I was in a performance – I discovered how to interact with other people of all ages
I was in a performance – I discovered how my actions impact on others
I was in a performance – I discovered how to deal with making mistakes
I was in a performance – I discovered how to manage my nerves
I was in a performance – I discovered the sheer joy of making music
I was in a performance – I discovered myself


We follow the requirements of the National Curriculum, providing a broad and balanced programme that ensures the progressive development of musical skills, knowledge and concepts.  Music is taught to our children in a practical way and is enriched by a variety of providers such as Rock Steady Music, our music hub and a wealth of musically experienced teachers who offer support.  Children are taught to use their voice as an instrument and use body percussion.  Music theory is woven throughout music lessons using the Charanga Scheme of Work.  This develops children’s knowledge of the interrelated dimensions of music.

We offer additional music lessons and clubs in school where children can learn to play an instrument, to sing and create music.  We firmly believe in music’s ability to enhance everyones well being and it brings a sense of joy and fun as well as offering support and hope in more difficult times.  As such, music plays an integral part of our worship at St Bert’s.

Teachers across all year groups plan engaging music lessons that reference the National Curriculum, our own progression statement documents, Charanga music learning platform and utilises the expertise of music specialists within the school.  We adapt and extend our curriculum to suit the needs of all learners in the school.


By the time children leave our school they will have a:

  • Broad and varied experience of music
  • experienced performing as an ensemble or independently
  • An opportunity to develop their talents and collaborative skills
  • Awareness and appreciation of different musical traditions and genres
  • Musical knowledge
  • Will have a listening
  • Express themselves musically
  • The skills to appreciate music throughout their lives
  • High aspirations



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St Berteline's C of E Primary School
Norton Lane,
Business Manager: Mrs Heather Sinclair
SENDCO Contact: Mrs L.Tudor
Halton Borough Council
Data Protection Officer: Jonathan Greenough